Friday, October 06, 2006


From zero to $1.6billion in 18 months.

and some of the comment in the aftermath


Stevinson said...

It might seem expensive for a new company but Youtube is definitely the future of TV. It will probably look cheap in a few years time!

Peter said...

You might be right. Some analysts already say that MySpace was bought cheaply. They may one day say the same about YouTube. Still, the numbers do make my head hurt, especially when you realise that the technology underneath YouTube is modest & that Google already had Google Video. So what they are buying is brand & customer base.

Peter said...

and tonight the deal is done.

pc said...

Is Google morphing?

Stevo said...

I think the stock prise rose sufficiently to determine that in the short term it was great deal. Plus Google seem to have too much cash sitting there idle, and the stock amrket trusts them to do somrthing with it. They are are also blocking Yahoo..

Peter said...

very good analysis Stevo .... and Google are also masters of ad-revenue, but longer term I do wonder whether this market has settled down (Chasm) and whether customers are sufficiently locked in (Porter) .....

Stevo said...

I believe that the opportunity to gain the income streams from pre roll and also key word search will be sufficient.

In terms of your comments about the long term, I do hold the impression that Google are not really so concerned about the long term. By that; I mean that they intend to win every battle in the short term.

Personally I hold the view that the long term is pretty conceptual and is ultimately a series of short terms!

Peter said...

interesting point about long term/short term